Masters and Doctoral Theses

This sub-community includes ICS Masters and Doctoral Theses authored by our graduate students since 2011. Theses from this sub-community are harvested by Library and Archives Canada (LAC) into the Theses Canada Portal.

Earlier theses will be digitized and input into this sub-community when we have receive a signed LAC Non-Exclusive License from our graduates. If you are an ICS graduate and have not received a permission request from us, please contact us at

Students retain the copyright of their theses. Under the terms of the ICS Non-Exclusive Licence and the LAC Non-Exclusive Licence students grant ICS the right to preserve and disseminate theses via the ICS Institutional Repository, Library and Archives Canada and in other third party thesis databases.


Collections of this Community

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Items in ICSR are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.